Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Planning on grabbing Soy Milk cartons from the departmental store?- Hold on! You might want to re-think.

Soy milk- water extracts of whole soybeans is known for it's nutritional value. It's a popular substitute for bovine milk in lactose intolerance patients and an ideal replacement to breast milk in infants. Nonetheless, it does lack calcium- imperative for sound, healthy tooth structure.

Its incessant impingement on the human diet is now being questioned by Australian researchers who studied the potential acidogenicity of 4 soy milk beverages and 2 bovine milk beverages in an in-vitro study. Streptococcus mutans, the malefactor behind caries was mixed in all the beverages. Study showed an increased rate of acid production by S.mutans in soy milk beverages in comparison to bovine milk. Further research in an in-vivo setting is mandatory to substantiate the results. 

But, one can't turn a blind eye to the fact that - Soy milk LACKS CALCIUM. Even though it might be a healthier option for our general health, it is no good for the oral health! 

What's my stand?!

Thus, it would be foolish to steer clear of bovine milk just because its more calorific! There are salubrious options available now in the global market like low-fat milk, skimmed milk etc. to suit ones needs.

So, if your loyalties are with soy milk alone, THINK TWICE. 


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