Risk Factors to these conditions are:
- Alcohol
- Tobacco consumption
- Diabetes
- Compromised immunity like in AIDS, cancer etc.
- Puberty
- Pregnancy
- Medications- oral contraceptives, anti-convulsants, calcium channel blockers (used to treat high blood pressure) etc.
- Mouth breathing
- Vitamin C deficiency
- Ill-fitting/Improper intra-oral appliances
- Bleeding from gums
- Swelling of the gums
- Loose teeth
- Pain on chewing
- Receding gum line,bone loss and sensitive teeth.
Note: When you notice any one of the above symptoms, immediate dentist consultation is imperative.
Nevertheless, here are the 10 best natural ways to alleviate gum swelling until professional help is sought. These can be continued as adjuncts to treatment rendered by dentists too.
- Salt Water: Gargling with salt water reduces swelling through a process called osmosis. Take 1 glass of water, put 2 teaspoons of common salt ( if you have rock salt, it's the best), and gargle at least 2-3 times daily until the swelling subsides.
- Tea-bags: Dip the tea-bags in boiling water. Remove after 2 mins and cool them. Hold these tea-bags over the area of complaint for 5 minutes. Continue application till relief is obtained. Black tea contains tannin and Green tea contains bioflavonoids, that reduce gingival swelling.
- Honey: Rubbing honey over the gums is soothing. Its inherent anti-bacterial property owing to the release of enzyme-produced hydrogen peroxide and anti-inflammatory property due to high-sugar osmosis, proves beneficial in treating gingival inflammation. (Not to apply over the teeth, as it can cause cavities due to high sugar levels)
- Citrus fruits: Consuming lemon, orange, grape and other citrus fruit juices (without sugar), will provide oneself with Vit. C, an antioxidant with wound-healing properties, very useful in gum infections.
- Condiments: Peppermint, Cinnamon, Clove, have in-built antiseptic, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties that help to subside discomfort following gum swelling. Application of their respective oils locally or drinking warm water with these added to it, is a good remedy.
- Herbs: Aloe-vera, Basil leaves, Eucalyptus leaves have medicinal properties beneficial against inflammation. Apply aloe-vera gel locally or drink its juice. Rub eucalyptus leaves against the gums or crush it to make a paste and then apply. Add basil leaves to warm water, bring it to a boil, strain, and then drink this water.
- Garlic: Its antimicrobial and antioxidant property is highly efficient against gingival infections. Crush garlic, add rock salt to it and apply over the area of concern to reduce swelling.
- Onion: Flavonoid called quercetin found in onions has an anti-inflammatory action on the gums, which helps to relieve pain and discomfort following infection. Grind the onions and apply its paste over the swelling.
- Guava leaves: These are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory constituents like Vit. C, quercetin etc. that soothe the painful gums. Add guava leaves in boiling water and soak for 10-20 minutes. Cool it and drink to enjoy the benefits.
- Oils: Chamomile oil, Tea tree oil, Wintergreen oil, Castor oil due to their antibacterial and anti-fungal properties can be used as mouthwashes to reduce inflammation.
- Cold compress packs are beneficial during inflammation as it shocks the tissues and nerve endings, lowering pain and swelling.
- Combination of therapies is always better than restricting to one. Continue these remedies till relief is obtained.
- Rinse your mouth thoroughly after every meal.
- Don't forget to brush at least twice daily with a fluoridated toothpaste, to rinse your mouth with clinically proven mouthwashes and to floss regularly. Habituating these practices will help in avoiding gum infections in the first place.
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