Saturday, November 29, 2014

Top 15 Natural Teeth Whitening Methods

'I want whiter teeth',' My teeth are yellow',' Arghh!! I hate these stains on teeth', expressions I often come across. The demand for whiter, speck-less teeth is escalating each day. But, how does one get these stains? How do teeth turn yellow? Let's familiarize ourselves with this first.

Standard culprits behind gruesome teeth stains are:
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Food and Beverages- Tea, coffee, wine, sauces, candies and popsicles, soft drinks, berries etc.
  • Tobacco consumption
  • Medications- Tetracycline and doxycycline, stain premature teeth during childhood (Irreversible staining). Cough syrups, anti-psychotic drugs and certain high blood pressure medications also stain teeth.
  • Mouthwashes- Continuous use of Chlorhexidine mouthwashes, stain teeth.
  • Environmental- Excessive fluorides cause yellowish-brown discoloration of premature teeth.(Irreversible staining)
Note: Certain diseases that compromise enamel and dentin formation cause irreversible staining of teeth. Dental trauma also induces irreversible staining.

On the other hand, yellowing of teeth may be attributed to the following:
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Age- As age advances, tooth enamel becomes thinner and exposes the underlying yellow dentin, making teeth look yellower.
  • Genetic
Most commonly, people resort to chemical methods to remove stains or to whiten teeth. But, repeated chemical exposures make teeth sensitive and increases the susceptibility to cavities. Plus, it tends to be heavy on the pocket! (Don't you think?!)

So, why not try some natural, inexpensive ways to whiten teeth! Here are my TOP 15
  1. Binchotan Charcoal : I mentioned in my earlier post about the goodness of binchotan charcoal toothbrushes. Have a look
  2. Citrus fruits: Oranges and Lemons are highly effective due to their citric acid levels. Rub orange or lemon peel (white portion) against your teeth for 2 mins, keep it for 10 mins and wash your mouth thoroughly. Lime water can be used as a mouthwash too.
  3. Strawberry: Rich in malic acid that promotes whiter teeth. Mash strawberries into a paste, apply over your teeth with a finger/toothbrush, leave it for 2-5 mins and rinse thoroughly.
  4. Pineapple: Pineapple contains bromelain, a natural stain remover. Apply pineapple paste over your teeth , leave it for 5-7 mins and rinse thoroughly. Eating pineapple on a regular basis is also helpful.
  5. Fibrous fruits and vegetables: Pear, Apple, Banana, Figs, Carrots, Broccoli, Cabbage etc. are high in fibers, that naturally cleanses and removes stains. Eat them raw or in salads.
  6. Dry fruits: Raisins, Cashews, Almonds, Walnuts etc are salivating and fibrous, which help in cleaning the teeth.
  7. Dairy products: Milk, Yogurt, Cheese etc, due to the presence of lactic acid and their innate texture prevent staining of teeth. Hard cheese like cheddar, can be applied over teeth surfaces too.
  8. Herbs: Holy basil and Neem have been traditionally used in India for whiter teeth, due to its combination of useful acids. Sun-dry basil, powder it and brush your teeth using it. Neem leaves can be rubbed against your teeth for few mins, or you can chew neem twigs. Either way it is beneficial. Neem oil can also be added to toothpastes.
  9. Spices: Bay leaf and Turmeric are the best. Crush bay leaves, add citrus juice and brush using this mixture. Grind turmeric to form powder, add lime and salt and apply on the teeth for 3-4 mins. Rinse thoroughly.
  10. Sage leaf: Presence of astringent chemicals make it valuable. Crush the leaves and use it with your toothpaste to brush. Sage tea can be used as a mouthwash too.
  11. Walnut tree bark: Crush the bark and use it to brush with the toothpaste of your choice.
  12. Guava leaf: Apart from being useful in treating gum infections, guava leaves can also be used to whiten teeth due to the presence of Vit. C. Crush the leaves and brush, using any toothpaste. In addition, use guava leaf tea to rinse your mouth.
  13. Banyan roots: Banyan roots are natural use-n-throw toothbrushes that contain whitening astringent juices.
  14. Kaolin clay: A combination of kaolin clay and water in a paste form is a natural abrasive for your teeth as it contains silica.
  15. Peelu plant fibres: Use ground peelu fibres to brush your teeth with a toothbrush. Its high fiber content renders it useful.
  • Avoid using these techniques on a daily basis, as the acidic juices in them might be too strong for your teeth to handle.
  • Always rinse your mouth well after using these substances. Don't forget to brush your teeth daily with a clinically proven toothpaste, as a good oral environment is important for every remedy to work.
  • Care should be taken NOT to brush your teeth with these substances 30 mins before and after meals.
  • These natural ways to whiten teeth takes time, so give yourself that time. It is always subjective.
  • Irreversible stains cannot be removed by these measures. For them, chemical methods performed by dentists are imperative.
  • If your stains persist even after repeated use of these substances, consult a dentist.
  • Avoid consuming products that stain teeth.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Top 10 Natural Remedies for Gum Swelling

Gum swelling/Gingival inflammation is primarily caused due to improper oral hygiene. Failure to brush and rinse ones mouth regularly, leads to continuous accumulation of food particles in the mouth, which acts as a breeding ground for disease causing bacteria. This leads to gingivitis (Inflammation of the gums), which when left unattended, progresses to periodontitis (Inflammation of the surrounding tooth structures).

Risk Factors to these conditions are:
  1. Alcohol
  2. Tobacco consumption
  3. Diabetes
  4. Compromised immunity like in AIDS, cancer etc.
  5. Puberty
  6. Pregnancy
  7. Medications- oral contraceptives, anti-convulsants, calcium channel blockers (used to treat high blood pressure) etc.
  8. Mouth breathing
  9. Vitamin C deficiency
  10. Ill-fitting/Improper intra-oral appliances
  1. Bleeding from gums
  2. Swelling of the gums
  3. Loose teeth
  4. Pain on chewing
  5. Receding gum line,bone loss and sensitive teeth.
                                  (Check out this video to learn more about gingivitis and periodontitis)

Note: When you notice any one of the above symptoms, immediate dentist consultation is imperative.

Nevertheless, here are the 10 best natural ways to alleviate gum swelling until professional help is sought. These can be continued as adjuncts to treatment rendered by dentists too.
  1. Salt Water: Gargling with salt water reduces swelling through a process called osmosis. Take 1 glass of water, put 2 teaspoons of common salt ( if you have rock salt, it's the best), and gargle at least 2-3 times daily until the swelling subsides.
  2. Tea-bags: Dip the tea-bags in boiling water. Remove after 2 mins and cool them. Hold these tea-bags over the area of complaint for 5 minutes. Continue application till relief is obtained. Black tea contains tannin and Green tea contains bioflavonoids, that reduce gingival swelling.
  3. Honey: Rubbing honey over the gums is soothing. Its inherent anti-bacterial property owing to the release of enzyme-produced hydrogen peroxide and anti-inflammatory property due to high-sugar osmosis, proves beneficial in treating gingival inflammation. (Not to apply over the teeth, as it can cause cavities due to high sugar levels)
  4. Citrus fruits: Consuming lemon, orange, grape and other citrus fruit juices (without sugar), will provide oneself with Vit. C, an antioxidant with wound-healing properties, very useful in gum infections.
  5. Condiments: Peppermint, Cinnamon, Clove, have in-built antiseptic, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties that help to subside discomfort following gum swelling. Application of their respective oils locally or drinking warm water with these added to it, is a good remedy.
  6. Herbs: Aloe-vera, Basil leaves, Eucalyptus leaves have medicinal properties beneficial against inflammation. Apply aloe-vera gel locally or drink its juice. Rub eucalyptus leaves against the gums or crush it to make a paste and then apply. Add basil leaves to warm water, bring it to a boil, strain, and then drink this water.
  7. Garlic: Its antimicrobial and antioxidant property is highly efficient against gingival infections. Crush garlic, add rock salt to it and apply over the area of concern to reduce swelling.
  8. Onion: Flavonoid called quercetin found in onions has an anti-inflammatory action on the gums, which helps to relieve pain and discomfort following infection. Grind the onions and apply its paste over the swelling.
  9. Guava leaves: These are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory constituents like Vit. C, quercetin etc. that soothe the painful gums. Add guava leaves in boiling water and soak for 10-20 minutes. Cool it and drink to enjoy the benefits.
  10. Oils: Chamomile oil, Tea tree oil, Wintergreen oil, Castor oil due to their antibacterial and anti-fungal properties can be used as mouthwashes to reduce inflammation. 
          Note: Wintergreen oil contains methyl salicylate, so people allergic to it should not use this oil.

  • Cold compress packs are beneficial during inflammation as it shocks the tissues and nerve endings, lowering pain and swelling.
  • Combination of therapies is always better than restricting to one. Continue these remedies till relief is obtained.
  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly after every meal.
  • Don't forget to brush at least twice daily with a fluoridated toothpaste, to rinse your mouth with clinically proven mouthwashes and to floss regularly. Habituating these practices will help in avoiding gum infections in the first place.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Tips to Avoid Dental Cavities- For Athletes and Health Freaks

According to recent studies published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, International Journal of Sports Medicine and British Journal of Sports Medicine, endurance exercises bear potential to damage ones teeth.

The prime felons being
  1. Sports drinks.
  2. Improper breathing.
SPORTS DRINKS:  Most sought-after drinks during and/or after exercises in order to replenish the lost electrolytes from the body.
These treasured sports drinks play a pivotal role in developing cavities in teeth, merely due to the HIGH SUGAR levels it contains. Sugar, is an ally to cavity causing bacteria, whose breakdown releases acids detrimental to oral health. Apart from sugars, sports drinks are loaded with artificial sweeteners and/or High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) that accelerate the bacterial attack on teeth.
HFCS is known to cause obesity,cancer, heart diseases,dementia, liver failure and more. It may even contain mercury and other harmful chemicals that are poisonous to one's body.

Say NO to Sports Drinks

Thus, it has become necessary to resort to healthier options to restore these lost electrolytes.
  • ALTERNATIVES: Substituting sports drinks with natural drinks will not only improve ones oral health but also general health. Healthier options of electrolyte rich drinks/beverages/ foodstuffs are:
  1. Coconut water
  2. Lime juice without sugar
  3. Orange juice without sugar
  4. Dark cherry juice without sugar
  5. Plain Yogurt
  6. Milk
  7. Banana
  8. Pumpkin seeds
  9. Nuts like almond and cashew
  10. Spinach
Note: Citric fruits are known to be erosive on teeth, so they should be consumed in moderation. Nevertheless, they are better than sports drinks.

IMPROPER BREATHING: Athletes commonly complain of difficulty in breathing during/ following rigorous, endurance exercises. This is primarily attributed to improper breathing techniques. Majority of the runners either breathe through their mouth or perform shallow,nasal breathing, that leave them dehydrated or gasping for breath. A dehydrated mouth is a play-ground for cavity causing bacteria. Apart from this, mouth breathing also causes inflammation of the gums. Thus, to avoid these, performing deep nasal breathing is compulsory.

Following video will teach you how to breath while running, and all other factors associated with a good run.

A Good Posture while running, is a pre-requisite for efficient breathing. One must employ controlled, conscious, diaphragmatic breathing to avoid breathlessness during running.

Also, check out the following article for step-by-step guidance on Pranayama Breathing, a yogic breathing technique that will help athletes cover extra miles with ease.

Take-home message : Adopt these simple measures and be treated to a wholesome living.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Binchotan Charcoal Toothbrushes: 'Black Maybe the New White'

In my previous post about Goodwell Company's toothbrush, I mentioned about Binchotan Charcoal bristles. This intrigued me to find more about Binchotan Charcoal, and surreptitiously stumbled upon an array of products manufactured from it! 

Binchotan Charcoal is being used for water purification, as a room freshener and has overwhelmed the health and cosmetic industry with its miscellaneous applications. What fascinates me more is its use in toothbrushes! (Maybe my dental fanaticism talking!).
Nevertheless, let's explore!

Its Genesis: It's made in the Kishu region of Japan, by burning oak branches at extremely high temperatures ( about 1000 degree Celsius) for several days, followed by abrupt cooling. It's also called White Charcoal, and its production dates to the Edo period. It's the highest quality activated charcoal.
Binchotan Charcoal Toothbrush

Action: It has a natural cleansing ability. It is 100% alkaline due to carbon and thus is negatively charged. So, it attracts the positively charged substances (Toxins, poison, plaque) and gets rid of them. This activated charcoal has inherent antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties. In addition to this , it also balances the pH levels in the body.

What more can our oral tissues ask for?! Toothbrushes made from Binchotan Charcoal can help remove positively charged plaque, eliminate the pathogenic micro-flora and balance the oral pH. This can resolve issues of cavities, gum diseases, bad breath and oral thrush.

The Japanese company Morihata have created this exclusive toothbrush, in which Binchotan Charcoal is cleverly incorporated into the nylon bristles, purging the fear of teeth staining due to charcoal ,otherwise caused after using its powdered form.

Rightfully, it's the most natural way to get those pearly whites back by removing those obnoxious food- induced stains from the teeth. 

Indeed, this Black is the NEW WHITE.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Goodwell toothbrush- An eco-friendly, long-lasting, smart solution for a healthy mouth

How often have you coveted for a durable, multifaceted toothbrush, you need not change at all?! Over a zillion times I bet! Amen! Your wish is now a reality- solely attributed to the brainchild of Patrick Triato of Goodwell company, who has devised this unique toothbrush kit to suit every need, calling it the 'modern toolkit for the mouth'.

What's so unique?- This toothbrush has an handle made of medical-grade aluminium, to last forever with interchangeable heads made of polished bamboo composite. The kit comes with interchangeable attachments- toothbrush head, flosser and tongue-scraper. The bristles of the toothbrush are made of Binchotan charcoal (Japanese charcoal). These features make the attachments bio-degradable and thus, eco-friendly. Surprisingly, this toothbrush is hollow, wherein, one can store matchsticks, pills, toothpicks etc. in it, by just unscrewing the handle.
Goodwell Toothbrush Kit
Adding to its magnanimity, is its open source design system where one can design ones personalized attachments. To top this, it is even equipped with a data tracker, boasting of an accelerometer and micro-controller to track brushing habits. Brainiac Patrick Triato! Different value packs are available to accord to ones needs.

Current status: It is currently being crowd-funded on Crowdsupply to meet the $12,500 mark to begin production, and has managed to lure $3,942 so far. More 13 days left to start production. After that say NO to PLASTIC.

This is one unconventional piece of work that requires attention! So, in order to place your orders, help raise funds, or if you want to know more about this product, check this link  

Happy Brushing!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Planning on grabbing Soy Milk cartons from the departmental store?- Hold on! You might want to re-think.

Soy milk- water extracts of whole soybeans is known for it's nutritional value. It's a popular substitute for bovine milk in lactose intolerance patients and an ideal replacement to breast milk in infants. Nonetheless, it does lack calcium- imperative for sound, healthy tooth structure.

Its incessant impingement on the human diet is now being questioned by Australian researchers who studied the potential acidogenicity of 4 soy milk beverages and 2 bovine milk beverages in an in-vitro study. Streptococcus mutans, the malefactor behind caries was mixed in all the beverages. Study showed an increased rate of acid production by S.mutans in soy milk beverages in comparison to bovine milk. Further research in an in-vivo setting is mandatory to substantiate the results. 

But, one can't turn a blind eye to the fact that - Soy milk LACKS CALCIUM. Even though it might be a healthier option for our general health, it is no good for the oral health! 

What's my stand?!

Thus, it would be foolish to steer clear of bovine milk just because its more calorific! There are salubrious options available now in the global market like low-fat milk, skimmed milk etc. to suit ones needs.

So, if your loyalties are with soy milk alone, THINK TWICE. 


Ardent coffee lovers, have a reason to smile! Recent studies have successfully managed to show the noble side to COFFEE. Researchers prove that apart from giving gruesome stains on teeth, coffee can be an effective anti-plaque agent.

According to the study conducted at The Federal University of Rio De Jenero, Brazil, caffeine rich varieties like Robusta (Coffea Canephora), grown in Brazil and Vietnam, managed to inhibit plaque formation and was bactericidal.

The Action......Scientists cultivated a bio-film on the milk tooth of children (post exfoliation) with the help of bacteria in the saliva. When these bio-films were exposed to extracts of Robusta bean, it disintegrated and caused the rupture of bacterial cell wall. The reason for this kind of rupture is directed to polyphenols, found commonly in coffee.

Polyphenols are secondary metabolites of plants, involved against UV radiation and aggression by pathogens. They are anti-oxidants, whose phenolic group, easily receive an electron to form stable phenoxyl radicals, hence disrupting chain oxidation reaction, leading to lysis of cell.
Coffee tastes better now!!

This phenomenon is associated with high caffeine varieties only, and is negated by the addition of milk and sugar to coffee. 1 glass of coffee = 100 mg of polyphenols, sufficient to combat plaque forming bacteria.

Attempts are now being made to harness these coffee extracts into toothpastes and mouthwashes, in order to get rid of staining caused by constant consumption of coffee and for it to benefit non-coffee drinkers too.

So, even though coffee has a benevolent side, it still stains teeth and should be consumed in moderation. Don’t forget! Brush, twice daily and get rid of those stains to enjoy the goodness of COFFEE.

Anti-Cariogenic property of Restorative materials enhanced by Osteoporosis medication

Professor Salvatore Sauro, University CEU Cardenal Herrera, Spain, along with international researchers from Finland, Brazil, USA and U.K, demonstrated the efficacy of Zoledronic acid along with bio-active ion-releasing resin-based dental adhesives in reducing the occurrence of caries.

This combination effectively reduces the degradation of dentin collagen and promotes remineralisation at resin-dentin interface.

The Agent......Zoledronic acid is a bisphosphonate commonly used in the treatment of osteoporosis, Paget’s disease and bone cancer. It slows bone breakdown, increases bone density and reduces the amount of calcium released into the blood. 

Action.......Salvatore Sauro in his research showed that Zoledronic acid had the potential to inhibit the action of dentin MMP’s (Matrix Metalloproteinase) to hydrolyze the organic matrix of demineralized dentin, thus improving the bondage of resins to dentin and decreasing the incidence of caries. 

Dentin MMP’s are proteolytic enzymes trapped within the mineralized dentin matrix that are activated following acid-etching. It targets the collagen fibres that are left exposed after bonding with resin due to imperfect resin impregnation of the demineralized dentin matrix. 

Thus, this combination is definitely magical!
Wohooo! I need not worry .....My pearly whites are rescued!

Certainly, one can say that this premier research has paved the way for a new dental adhesive in town!

‘Look before you Leap’: Lead in teeth known to reveal whereabouts

Geological researchers George Kamenov, University of Florida and Brian L. Gulson, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, discovered that lead in teeth can reveal one’s origin and places inhabited during childhood.

Lead exists in the form of four isotopes that vary in proportion according to where it’s found like in the rocks, soil, etc. Differences are also seen in different geographic regions, owing to varied human activities causing their release in the environment.

These unique lead isotopes get trapped within the tooth enamel that develops during juvenescence and are preserved for eternity. This way one’s origin becomes coherent. As different teeth develop at different times, these lead isotopes can also divulge migration patterns of a person. Similarly, lead isotopes can also wield influence in distinguishing between historic and modern teeth, due to the differences that exist in the types of lead isotopes found in the earlier centuries. 

This lead has ruined me!............Where do I go now?!

This crucial finding can help solve cold murder cases or even help archeologists procure information about our ancestors.

P.S: Who knew human teeth could speak a thousand words! So, next time you plan a vacation with your kids, be cautious!

Monday, November 10, 2014

My First Humble Beginning

Hey guys,
Welcome to my first blog!
After some serious contemplation, I decided to embark upon a journey, wherein, you would be treated with the very essence of dentistry. Starting now, dentists, dental students and pre-dental students need not search multiple websites for dental news,conferences/conventions, continuing dental education programs and updates on dental products. You will have all that HERE- in a single click! So what are you waiting for?! Follow me to stay connected to our common interest-DENTISTRY.